So this is where I thought I'd leave some words.

Most of them don't say that much.

Just a collection of poems and thoughts really, I like the idea that images and poetry can interact so there's some pictures to.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Fables garden ghazal

When Sumer stood by fables beacon,
infectious wisdom seeped from Babylon.
Beside the gardens in stifled solitude
lovers took grass for beds of consummation.
before Plato and Thebes, before Virgil sang
when the sun first looked on the face of Solomon
lay a land and hung a garden our cradle of civilisation
In Hesbon by Bath-Rabbim I watched a worlds ruin
Towards Damaskus, mandrakes eyes cry redemption
But on deaths ears and politicians lies fall words silently.
Whilst idols false are pinned on the cedars of lebbanon.
Upon every high tower and every fenced wall
the profits of conflict scrawl their justification.
As Neptunes Troy scarred the land, Basaras burning
In the cradle still, barbarity suckles the teat of destruction.

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