Y leveral e tavasow e an tyryow lef,
gans gwyns Y clewes, ha gweles yn an newl a mor.
Yn hyr keow awartha segh meyn fosow, yn glyp
esedha aspya an devedhyans
ha gasa a gulla hanas crya, cren nyja
ha Y codha dre tybys.
War esedha alsyow ughel awartha mor,
poblow dos ha mos, crenna yn carrygy
pollow, orth ow treys may an grpwynek junnya howl tewas
esedha tyr gwyns an may, blas
del mor herdhya avonsya lamma an codha
Squattya an tyryow yn dhe wherthyn . [1]
I speak in tongues in the lands voice,
with winds ear I hear, and watch in the spray of sea.
In long grass above the dry stone walls, in dampness
haunched I observe the arrivals
and departures of seagulls whispered cries, circling flight
and I slip through thought.
On haunched cliffs high above sea,
people coming and going, ripple in rock
pools, at my feet where the granite meets sun sand.
Haunched land wind and sand, smells
as sea surges forward rolls then relaxes,
crashing the land into laughing.
This translation is a literal one, relying primarily on online resources, the nature of these resources mean that some words may have been changed and the grammatical arrangement of the lines is undoubtedly not that of the Cornish language. However I have attempted to arrange it to the best of my ability.
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