So this is where I thought I'd leave some words.
Most of them don't say that much.
Most of them don't say that much.
Just a collection of poems and thoughts really, I like the idea that images and poetry can interact so there's some pictures to.
Monday, 28 December 2009
last tango in the lot of abandond truth. part 3
The prince on the hill at mornings wars contest
sketched the change of the age with elder eyes;
the death of the garden, the fallen fortress.
In battle mid-res great warriors die
Apollo hails Ares “ You’ve just killed Love”,
“I slit her wrists. To watch crimson to sepia dry”
at the feet I might kiss, to change just enough to
alter to the past. Adrianus sang Alexander -
one line remains. World makers and word shapers
wish scream for time. As the sun seeks to rise
the daughters of Zeus flee from a modern chorus
till night and posey reside. I sit and rest my eyes,
left alone till dark from the suns first light rays
so many minutes, hours and days.
Tomorrow before we wake
Imagine a forest of flesh, of twisted limb grottos,
green grey skin floored dells, rivers stagnate
drip with chaos rust, congealing in the crooks
of mothers arms. Torn people-roots matted
shattered copses in the vales, heads and hands
pulped in the scramble of tortured flesh vines.
Imagine a forest inside a lost child, that calls
for her earth mother. Stripling feet, cast
in blood clay waltz to the stamp of progress,
to the teacher and the fool, to the whip
and the call. As the forester tears roots
for alms, the un-innocent takes more fruit.
Imagine a forest without. Without trees
without people, without sap, without
leaves, love, laughter, wind, sun, signs,
paths, broken oaths, memory, without
significant, concern. Condemned.
Now. You. Imagine a forest.
like waste on water, words,
smog cloud day,
like vomit on pavement
washing sleep, away
like land that dug in,
or birds that blown out,
in night time slipping,
oil stained sand
like rocks in ships, beating,
like beaches drinking rusting
cans of rotting boats
like grass sea scum foam caught
like forgotteness piecing together
another puzzle,
like together treading,
like liking lying, like forgotten
stained cotton wind washed beach blown.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
last tango in the lot of abandoned truth. Part 2
In the ruins, let ghost rhetorically glide
and daub word warnings with child’s artistry,
vivid faces look back to present and guild
the thoughts, the feelings of their ancestry.
In the scent of the shadow of the south eastern wall,
Boy form traces tomorrows words that tyrants scream,
chuckling at the unifying sorrow of great meanings fall.
The death of arts dawn faces the silent unseen
as the suns sky crests the wave of the midnight stars,
the morning-tide tugs on the throws of the night.
Raping some meaning from the dead lips of babes.
Else who from the void of east’s shade, cry for sight?
Un-reckoned, un-heard, half remembered un-rest
the prince on hill at mornings wars contest.
Fables garden ghazal
When Sumer stood by fables beacon,
infectious wisdom seeped from Babylon.
Beside the gardens in stifled solitude
lovers took grass for beds of consummation.
before Plato and Thebes, before Virgil sang
when the sun first looked on the face of Solomon
lay a land and hung a garden our cradle of civilisation
In Hesbon by Bath-Rabbim I watched a worlds ruin
Towards Damaskus, mandrakes eyes cry redemption
But on deaths ears and politicians lies fall words silently.
Whilst idols false are pinned on the cedars of lebbanon.
Upon every high tower and every fenced wall
the profits of conflict scrawl their justification.
As Neptunes Troy scarred the land, Basaras burning
In the cradle still, barbarity suckles the teat of destruction.
last tango in the lot of abandoned truth. Crown: 1
On these Shores the bones of thought rest,
grinding meanings under canons heal to sand.
Catches in the breeze, fragments the Greeks forgot
or burnt with heretics for insights to grand.
I wander these shores to find somewhere to pray
a space apart, inspired but un-shadowed by fate
a way to the words that dry on my lips like salt spray
and dance away, white chalk foam, across sea grey slate.
It’s only here that the bones become revived.
In my howl to the ocean, the night and the wind.
New flesh wraps old remains, remembering lives lived,
to stalk from the sand to search out dead kin.
Away from the water its whispered poesy has died
In the ruins, let ghosts rhetorically glide.
Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Rubber duck deserts and tubs of blue sky
Discarded clay soldiers lie side by side.
As the electric Cadillac’s appear at last
she laughs at their injuries as they howl to the past.

Rubber duck deserts and tubs of blue sky
Discarded clay soldiers lie side by side.
As the electric Cadillac’s appear at last
she laughs at their injuries as they howl to the past.
Why does it snow father?

Far from the warmth of the sun, in a frigid realm of the solar system
a billion kilometres beyond earth, lies a ball of ice called Enceladus.
A snowball’s Antarctica is pumping plumes of water reaching hundreds
of kilometres into space. Ice particles fall like fine snow, Cold
Faithful, painting Enceladus pure white. Long cracks, geologians
Tiger stripes, potential oceans, meters bellow, hidden life.
Where is the engine hidden? “there are no goblins or demons”
says McKinnon, but what does he know? No one knows why
for millions of years on Enceladus it has snowed.

Far from the warmth of the sun, in a frigid realm of the solar system
a billion kilometres beyond earth, lies a ball of ice called Enceladus.
A snowball’s Antarctica is pumping plumes of water reaching hundreds
of kilometres into space. Ice particles fall like fine snow, Cold
Faithful, painting Enceladus pure white. Long cracks, geologians
Tiger stripes, potential oceans, meters bellow, hidden life.
Where is the engine hidden? “there are no goblins or demons”
says McKinnon, but what does he know? No one knows why
for millions of years on Enceladus it has snowed.
frost snow,
goblins and demons,
Great Hall of the Bulls,
rehear our land speak
eminent spirits of night sky cave.
Awake, waken, awaken now
to cast through the Chambers Engraved.
Hear, horn lord of a hundred warriors arms
and pause and flavour the Painted Gallery
live, steaming under natural star maps
last great pride of the old ways.
O’ god flesh tribe tribute I humbly summoned
For the wakening of old ones heart strings
Banish the dark and walk among
Us, O’ rise now under world sleepers,
Leave that dry rest to set scales aright .
Last pride of the old ways
Sleep no more, hear my cry.
cave paintings,
great hall of bulls,
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